

Public transports. Lyon I University is connected to the city center by two different trams: the tram T1 (direction IUT-Feyssine) and the tram T4 (direction La Doua Gaston Berger), in about 20 minutes. You can alight to the stop Université Lyon I (this is the same stop for both lines).


All practical information at the TCL (Transports en Commun Lyonnais) website TCL.

Bike. Lyon has a bike rental service. This is a great way to get to the University and also discover Lyon at very good rates!

Ticket options available - service available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. For more info: Vélo'v.

From Part-Dieu train station.  Take either the tram T1 (the station is just in front of the west exit of the train station) or the tram T4 (in front of the east exit), and then follow the information given in the Public transports section. 

From the airport. Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport (LYS) is connected to the train station Lyon Part-Dieu (in the city center) by the tram service Rhônexpress in about 30 minutes. When arrived to Part-Dieu train station, follow the information given in the paragraph above.

Shuttle departures every quarter hour from 6am to 9pm. Departures every half of hour from 5am to 6am and from 9pm to midnight. Final departure from the airport to the city is at 0h40Return after 0h40 when flight is delayed, if it was to land before midnight. All practical information at Rhônexpress


On the campus

The school takes place in the Braconnier building (red target on the map).

Lectures take place in the Jordan lecture hall (ground floor).

Registration and coffee breaks are in rooms 108 (Fokko du Cloux room) and 110 (meeting room), 1st floor.

Cafeteria (for lunch breaks) is in the Domus building, left of the Braconnier building

Banquet will take place on Wednesday Decembre 19 at 7h30 PM, at the 33 Cité Restaurant.












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